
Eternal Gratitude

Written by Creature Comforts. Posted in Blog, Creature Comfort Updates, Uncategorized

The following statement is from Amy Vilis, owner of Creature Comforts:

I’m having a difficult time finding the words to give voice to the intense gratitude that I continue to feel after the whirlwind events of the last couple of days. Let me begin by thanking the Agassiz RCMP for the safe recovery of Harriett and Friday and our company vehicle, as well as the individual who called the police after spotting the dogs and the truck.

I must also acknowledge the tremendous and instantaneous response from police services all over the Lower Mainland: it was incredibly reassuring to the families of the missing dogs to know that so much effort was being put into the search and rescue.

I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to friends and family (some in other cities and countries) who took the time to share the information with their extended networks. I definitely have a new respect for the power of social media to bring people together in times of crisis.

To the numerous strangers I approached on the street and who offered support and assistance through Facebook: your kindness will never be forgotten. We all have busy lives, but you took the time to search for our lost family members and to share any information you could. Thank you.

Also key in this effort were the various media outlets that broadcast news of the theft on their websites, Twitter feeds, Facebook pages, and radio and television networks. You recognized the urgency of the situation, and you treated us with respect and care. I remain grateful that you took an interest in this crime and brought province-wide exposure to this search and rescue.

Finally, to my family and staff: the Creature Comforts family. You were there to help, right away, with your time and emotional support.

As for the four dogs who were swept up in the theft, they are in surprisingly good spirits and (on the surface, at least) relatively unscathed by their harrowing ordeal. Being one of the owners involved myself, I can tell you that I will be snuggling my dog extra tight tonight, and every night, and encourage you all to do the same with your own pets.

Creature Comforts has been serving pet owners in the Lower Mainland for more than twenty years. In that time, we’ve never been the victims of such an awful, heart-stopping crime, and I’m still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that something like this even happened. Despite the rarity of the occurrence, we’re instituting a number of policy changes to ensure that nothing of this nature ever happens again. The changes have already gone into effect. There is no room for error.

We pride ourselves on our integrity, and our ties to the community that we serve.
Thank you to Emily, Dave and Linda for your patience and understanding through all of this. I don’t look at my clients simply as clients: you are part of my extended family, and I’ve never and will never forget that connection.

And finally, to the man who stole our dogs and our truck and who put so many people through a rollercoaster of pain, stress and heartache: your weakness has only shown the strength and kindness of others, tenfold.

With eternal gratitude,
Amy Vilis
Owner, Creature Comforts